Shay Shanae Designs LLC
200+ Midjourney Prompts (Updated)
These prompts are what you need....
to get amazing images in Midjourney V6! I have spent months getting this list together and if you've been following me (@iamshayshanae), you've already seen some of these in full effect.
This list contains over 230 prompts, ranging in everything from hair and beauty to decor and makeup. There's literally a little bit of everything. And you can customize things like color, ethnicity, aspect ratio and style, if you want.
You can also pair the prompt with a reference photo (which I tend to do but not always). If you want to get my "Real AI Playbook", which is the blueprint for getting started in Midjourney, you can find that here.
Once you purchase, you will be sent the prompts via (PDF). This is a great way to simply copy and paste. Please note: The prompts are in no particular order! And you need the Midjourney subscription to use!
All sales are final, there are no refunds. These prompts are not to be RESOLD in any way!! They are for personal use only!